Yes, it is true, the man who murdered his family in
1978 that generated the media storm that became "The Amityville Horror" now has both a facebook, and twitter account.

- Let The Blade Drip... #TeamFollowBack Come Get it While I Smoke Some #Pot #TeamWAKEandBAKE I'm Comin For The #Ganja
@CC_HEART**** Giv it a good scrub n rub!!! Im such a #MADMAN @Amelia_Ath**** I'm The Original #MADMAN @Beck**** @Tasha_Ke**** i'VE BEEn the #MADMAN since the #50's @GlobalRhy**** this is T Dots Skitzo #MADMAN Side... Same Guy 2 Different Personalities
#TeamWAKEandBAKE #JamacianPearl n than torturous Memories of that night in #Amitylville #LongIsland #NY a long... long time ago... #MADMAN Sometimes I team up wit @MaskedMurd**** to go on a killin spree... From Crystal Lake to Amittyville and ayythin in between
I have (*) out the remainder of tweeters to protect their privacy. I did not add him as a friend to view his facebook account. His references to "getting stoned" and "going on a killing spree" makes me believe he still do this day does not feel or understand remorse. The fact that he references Amityville and refers to himself as "the original madman" in a tweet tells me he is still riding the "wave of fame" that he jumped on in the 70s. He takes great pride in the slaughter of his family, it shows me he is a very dark individual who lost the ability to be human prior to the cold November night in 1974. This is just my opinion so If you want I have provided the links to follow him.
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