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Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Bludgeon Family Farm

According to local legend, the property at "Dead Mans Farm" was owned by the Bludgeon family for many years just outside of Knoxville in Lenoir City, Tennessee. The family was very secluded; raising their own crops, slaughtering their own livestock, and even performing dental/medical procedures on each other. 

As the legend goes, the family fell on some hard times and some say they began to tamper with dark forces and black magick in order to make their farm more profitable. Using black magick on their animals and even innocent farm hands. Over the next several years, the family would hire several new farm hands as the ones working for them would die under "mysterious circumstances" or some just vanished all together. 

Eventually, the farm suffered so greatly, that it was foreclosed upon. When police officers arrived at the scene they found bones of animals that species could not be identified as well as several human corpses. The Bludgeon family was never prosecuted as their were no witnessess to these crimes.

Today, the land is used as an attraction site for courageous passerbys.

If you will be in the Knoxville, Tennessee Area and would like to tour Dead Man's Farm, you can visit: