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Friday, April 1, 2011

The Bijou Theatre

The Bijou Theater was constructed in 1924-25, as the First Congregational Church, United Church for Christ, by the famous architect WRB Willcox. Willcox also built several major buildings in Burlington, Vermont, and some research material can be found on him in the University of Oregon's special archives. After serving as a church for several years, the building was moved to its current location and served as a funeral parlor and chapel in 1956 under the name McGaffey-Andreason Mortuary. The building was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980. The Bijou has two theaters and I have been lucky enough to sit in both.

Now while I personally cannot say I witnessed any paranormal activity here, many staff members would be quick to disagree. They say most activity occurs in Theater 1 (which is the original theater.) Although, there are paranormal happenings in both theaters, backstage, in booths, lobby, as well as the restrooms. It is said to be the most haunted Building in Knoxville, TN. There are strange voices and whispers heard, shadows dance across the old catwalks, with the occasional pinch, or touch most other happenings are pretty residual. If you are ever in the Knoxville, TN area, I suggest going to a show, you might just get more than what you paid for...
Theatre 1

Theatre 2